Thursday, 9 May 2013

£1M Conference Centre Refurbishment underway

McCarthys have just successfully completed the first phase of bedroom and bathroom refurbishments for one of the UKs premier conferencing organisations.

McCarthys initially provided a package of design and visual options for a standard room size and associated budget costs for each option.

Once the design, finishes, look and budget was agreed and set, McCarthys took the design off the paper and refurbished a 'sample' room.

the approval of the sample room kick started the programme of works to refurbish all 114 rooms within the conference complex.

McCarthys are delighted to have handed over the first phase of rooms which are already in use by cliental.

Having advertised the refurbishment programme in the press McCarthys client is delighted with the higher level of bookings and positive feedback received so far and higher level of room rate achievable.  


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